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Our Faith

Faith In Education 

As a Catholic school of the Archdiocese of Hartford, we are committed to the religious and educational development of each child by providing regular opportunities for students to celebrate their faith and Catholic traditions through prayer and the sacraments. Our school population includes families of various faith practices and beliefs. Every member of the school community is invited and encouraged to participate in the faith life of the school and service efforts.

Morning Prayer: Every morning, St. Mary’s School students and faculty gather in the Parish Center with Father Stephen to begin the day together in prayer. Morning Prayer provides an opportunity for the entire school to worship together, and to pray for our St. Mary community as well as the greater community.

Religion Classes: Students study and learn to appreciate the Catholic religion every day beginning in Prekindergarten through the eighth grade. Students are encouraged to discover and strengthen their spirituality, and to understand their relationship with God. A strong foundation in the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, instills moral values, and an awareness of responsibility to act with integrity, kindness and compassion towards others. 

Mass: Our students attend Mass on the first Tuesday of the month or on Holy Days of Obligation. Our students take on leadership roles during Masses while serving as altar servers, gift bearers, electors, and members of the choir. Families are always welcome to attend Mass with us. 

Sacraments: The sacramental program is the primary focus of religious instruction during the second grade year. Our 2nd grade students prepare for and receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation and Holy Communion. 

May Crowning: Second grade leads our school in this beautiful tradition every May, honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary in her role as mother to everybody.

Altar Servers: Starting in 4th grade, students may enter training to become altar servers.